
> OpenCV w/ PyImageSearch

November 07, 2019


Project Information
PyImageSearch (OpenCV)


  • Finished Practical Python and OpenCV by Adrian Rosebrock

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A few months ago, in order to prepare to teach the basics of computer vision for BWSI Racecar Middle School, I went through the OpenCV documentation and consolidated a list of useful OpenCV tutorials for both my TAs and I to quickly review before we started teaching. After BWSI ended, I was curious to see if we had covered everything just from the open source information listed in the OpenCV documentation, and if we could have done anything better in terms of code formatting or practical applications.

Thus, I decided to review Practical Python and OpenCV by Adrian Rosebrock. The book does a great job explaining concepts in an easily digestible way, and goes through each line of code with great detail. I was pleased to see that we had already covered the majority of the topics introduced in the book. The biggest takeaway was that we could have potentially used arg inputs better when calling python scripts. But this was mainly just a code formatting preference.

Lessons Learned

  1. Watching how others do stuff is great for learning new tips and tricks and refreshing the fundamentals!