
> 100 Days of Code

August 18, 2019


Challenge to code for at least one hour a day for the next 100 days.
This challenge is inspired by #100DaysOfCode.

#100DaysOfCode is part of a larger movement, #100DaysOfX, aimed towards self-development and habit formation. The idea is that any skill can be improved upon, or any habit changed in just 100 days of commitment, dedication, and accountability.

My Goals

My goals through this challenge are: to find more time to work on personal projects, to build self-confidence in my programming abilities through practice, to improve my efficiency in coding, to integrate coding and self-development into my daily life, and to become more comfortable with various computer science topics through exposure and experience.

To follow my progress, check out updates and summaries of my work below and on GitHub! This challenge will be done purely during my own time (coding at work does not count as part of the one hour).